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Freiberger Geological Stratum Compass with Mirror

Freiberger Geological Stratum Compass with Mirror

Regular price $1,496.00 AUD
Regular price $1,496.00 AUD Sale price $1,496.00 AUD
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Geologist's Compass with Mirror, 360°, Engraved Circle Hinge & Pendulum Inclinometer

Compasses imported by GSR Laser tools are balanced for Magnetic Zone 5


The Freiberger Compass is an all-metal, German-made geological compass 
Even in the era of satellite-based positioning systems a compass can still be a useful tool when orienting oneself in a traditional way.
Freiberger Geologist's Compasses are primarily used to measure orientation of geological structures. With the Geologist's Compass you are able to perform measurements of strike directions, dips and angles of pitch, or dipping angles of areal and linear geological elements.

Well proven, for professional use:
  • Sapphire bearing
  • Magnetic needle sharpened, upright
  • Locking of the magnet system possible
  • Easy adjustment of the pitch circles
  • Thanks to the lockable clinometer, inclination measurements with greater accuracy are possible
  • Circular level for leveling
  • Lateral tubular level for measurements in dificult to reach places
  • Declination and inclination can easily be adjusted to the locally applicable values
  • Drop measuring plate as protection of the cover glass and for measuring drop angles
  • Protective bag made of leather
 Freiber Geological Compass Freiberger geological compass


The casing of the compass has a modern appearance and thanks to its desogn and size it is comfortable and easy to handle. The compass can be used for general geological studies and to measure the orientation of specific geological structures and natural mineral deposits.

It has a pendulum inclinometer. The declination can easily and quickly be set by the user and a small, movable, copper weight is fitted to the magnetic needle to compensate for inclination.

The instrument can be correctly levellled using the circular and the tubular bubble level. The compass lid is used to measure dip direction and it also protects the cover glass when the compass is not used. Lid friction movement is fully adjustable.

Graduated circle
Counterclockwise numbering 10° (10 gon)
Ø of compass circle 45 mm
reading 2° (2 gon)
estimation 0.5° (0.5 gon)
Hinge inclinometer
diameter 22 mm
reading 5° (5gon)
estimation 1° (1 gon)
measuring range +/- 90° (+/- 100 gon)
reading 2° (2 gon)
estimation 0.5° (0.5 gon)
Graduated edge
length 70 mm
reading 1 mm
settling time of the needle < 50 s
accuracy of directional indication +/- 0.5° (+/- 0.5 gon)
adjustment of declination user-defined
tilting range of inclination measuring plate 225° (250 gon)
indication of circular level ca. 40
indication of tubular level ca. 60
compass dimensions (mm) 93 x 76 x 22 mm
weight 0.28 kg
Leather case
dimensions (mm) 104 x 91 x 45 mm

 FPM Geological Compass  FPM Geological Compass Case

Geological Stratum Compass, pdf brochure

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